Sweet and savory breakfast sandwich

Sweet and Savory Breakfast Sandwich

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It should be no surprise by now that breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. My husband always teases me because it’s pretty much the first thing I do when I wake up. As soon as I sit up to get out of bed he always says “hurry, run.” And off to the kitchen I go to eat. Does anyone else wake up starving? This breakfast sandwich has definitely been hitting the spot for me lately. My preference for breakfast is usually savory but I have been loving the fruit syrup for a little sweetness. I also love this sandwich because it is high protein and will keep me full for hours.

I have been loving easy breakfast ideas that I can whip out fast because my kids seem to wake up starving too. Not sure why but mornings seem to be a little more chaotic now that we are stuck at home. I think it’s because we don’t have a timed schedule. I have been overwhelmed at the thought of trying to implement a new home schedule and routine. Sometimes I wonder if it might be easier if I did try to put one into place. But with a baby who doesn’t have a set napping schedule, I think it works better for us to go with the flow. What has been working for you in your homes? We are five weeks in and I’m still trying to figure things out. I have been making sure to take care of myself during all of this madness.

There are different variations of a similar Monte Cristo sandwich that I’ve seen around that looks delicious. My version is simple and takes less time. I also try to keep it macro friendly, meaning high protein, moderate carbs, and lower fat. I am loving alternating this with my protein waffles for breakfast right now. For me, this sandwich is all about the fruit syrup and the cheese. But also the Everything But the Bagel Seasoning. If you can get your hands on those, try not to leave them out of the recipe. They take this sandwich to the next level.

Sweet and Savory Breakfast Sandwich

You’ll need:

-2 slices of bread of choice

-Eggs ( I do 1 egg and 100 g egg whites)

-Everything But the Bagel seasoning (my favorite here)

-2 oz. ham or 2 slices of bacon

-1/2 slice of laughing cow cheese

-fruit syrup or jam (this one is my favorite)

-drizzle of pure maple syrup


Toast the bread. Cook the eggs however you like best. Add the seasoning to the eggs while they cook.  Spread the cheese on one slice and fruit syrup on the other slice of bread. I like to crisp up the ham in a pan but you can prepare it however you want. Layer the eggs and ham on the bread and then top with maple syrup. This sandwich is so delicious! Let me know if you try it.

My sandwich nutrition facts come out to be:

418 calories

53 g carbs

8 g fat

30 g protein

If you need lower calorie or lower carb you can cut it down to one slice of bread and leave off the pure maple syrup all together. A lot of times I choose to leave the pure maple off because it makes it a little too sweet for me first thing in the morning. Does anyone else tend to crave sweets the rest of the day if they have a sweet breakfast?

I have some other yummy breakfast ideas here and here.

Let me know if you try it!


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