goal setting

How to Set Your Resolutions and Yourself up for Success this Year

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Is it really New Years already? Is anybody else wondering where in the world 2019 went?! I seriously can not believe it is January. Like everyone else, I have been pondering my progress this year and trying to set goals for 2020. 2019 was a year of many physical challenges for myself and I’m still not in the clear yet. Things are definitely looking up as I continue to heal. As I have been reminiscing this year and what I’ve accomplished, I realized I have some tips that I want to share about resolutions and goal setting in general. I hope these resonate with you the way they have with me this week.

1- Find your self love, self acceptance, and faith in yourself FIRST

Why is this important in goal setting and life in general? Well, chances are you are going to make mistakes. You will mess up, fall short, and have to learn from your mistakes again and again. If you don’t love and accept yourself, pushing through the hard times to hit your goals is going to be much more difficult. Without self love, you tend to dwell on your mistakes and beat yourself up over them. With self love and acceptance, you are more likely to try to learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself, and move on. Loving yourself in all aspects is crucial for long term success.


2- Set your goals out of self love and positivity

Why is it so easy to pick ourselves apart when thinking about what we would like to improve on? In the past, I have set goals such to change my body and appearance because I was disgusted when I looked in the mirror. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to change, focusing on the negative and the qualities you dislike does not propel your success. I honestly believe that mindset and positive thinking are HUGE in any endeavor you are working towards. Instead of choosing goals that focus on what I want to change (because I hate it) I choose to set goals that focus on making my body stronger. I focus on the things my body can do and work to make it even better.


3- Give yourself grace as you work towards your goals

Over the years, I have easily fallen into the all or nothing mentality. I shoot for the stars and set a lofty goal. Life happens and by the second day I have already “messed up” and not accomplished my mini goals. I get down on myself and think that I can’t do it. Then I give up. Well friends, we need to realize that LIFE HAPPENS. Goals should be about achieving progress, not perfection. You don’t have to be perfect at doing the mini goals or steps you set to reach your bigger goals. Give yourself grace on the days you can’t make it happen. As long as you are working towards your goal, that is what matters.


Let’s set our goals with love towards ourselves and belief that we can make it happen. Happy 2020 friends!

One Comment

  • SonuMonu

    Stumbled upon this website looking for competitors in sport and fitness niche. I must say your blog looks great on first look, the articles are informative but they are a little short in length. Anyway i wish you all the success; keep blogging, keep fighting yourself to stick to your fitness goals.

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