easy pizza crust

Easy Homemade Pizza Dough Recipe

This easy homemade pizza dough recipe is a weekly staple at our house. We use this recipe almost every Friday night. What is the weekend without pizza, right? Our kids never get sick of it and pizza is my husband’s all time favorite food. We split the pizza 3 ways so that everyone gets to have what they like. My husband prefers pepperoni, my kids like ham and pineapple, and I prefer this one here or here. I love to keep mine higher in protein so I can fit them into my macros a bit easier.

It took me years to finally find an easy and yummy homemade pizza dough recipe. This one is a keeper. The recipe makes 6 small crusts or 4 large crusts. They freeze well and its so nice to already have them prepared and just pull them out of the freezer when we need them. Especially on the weekends when we are busy and I don’t feel like cooking. We are eventually going to have to start making 2 full pizzas for a meal because with our growing kids, we almost finish the entire pizza now. My husband likes to have leftovers and we hardly get them anymore with just 1 pizza.

Homemade Pizza Dough Recipe:

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes



-6 cups of hot water

-1/4 c. honey

-12 cups of whole wheat flour

-2 T. instant yeast

-2 T. salt

Mix the water, honey, and 6 cups of flour to a paste. Add yeast and salt. Mix again then add the 6 remaining cups of flour, 1 cup at a time until the mixture pulls away from the bowl. Roll out and separate for freezing.

Add your favorite toppings and bake at 500 degrees for 10 minutes.


Check out my favorite pizza pan here.


What are your favorite toppings to put on homemade pizza?


Nutrition facts for 1/8th of a small crust:

94 calories

20 g carbs

1 g fat

4 g protein

















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