celery juice

Celery Juice

Okay you guys, I’m sure you’ve heard about the celery juice craze the last couple of years. I know what you are thinking, how am I supposed to gag this down everyday? And isn’t juice time consuming to make? Well, let me tell you, it’s easier than you think. Celery juice has so many benefits that it is definitely worth the time and effort. After doing this consistently for a few months I have noticed a huge improvement in my overall digestion and my stomach problems. I try not to miss a day because it definitely helps me feel great.

Celery Juice can help:

-calm inflammation

-aid in digestion

-balance your body’s pH

-flush viruses

-enhance electrolytes

-improves gut health


I blend 6-8 stalks in 16 oz. of water and then strain it. This whole process only takes me about 3 minutes. It is most effective on an empty stomach. I do this first thing in the morning when I wake up. I like the taste of celery so it is not hard for me to drink it. I think it is best cold and easier to drink with a straw. I also like to let it settle for 15 minutes before eating.

Here is a super interesting article that goes over more of the benefits in greater detail.

This is the blender I use. I love my Blendtec. I also have this juicer that makes it easy but I find it’s a bit more clean up than the blender.




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