personal development books
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Five Personal Development Books You Need to Read


I have a new found OBSESSION with personal development books. In my stage of life, it works best for me to listen to audiobooks. It is so easy to listen while I clean and get things done around the house. I actually prefer to sit down and read the books. There is something so therapeutic about turning the pages. But the only time I get to read is after my kids are in bed. Reading late at night usually puts me right to sleep. So anyways, if you’re looking for the best way to find the time to read you might want to consider audiobooks. I downloaded the Overdrive app and connected to it with my library card. I have also done an Audible subscription. Each month you get 2 credits towards books and they have such a vast selection.

Even though I enjoy all kinds of books and still jump around to different genres, I’m mostly digging these personal development books at the moment.

My favorite personal development books I’ve read this year:


personal development books

 You are a Badass by Jen Sincero- This is the first self development book that I read and it was SO good it got me hooked in the genre. It encourages you to stop doubting yourself and helps propel you into the life you want to be living. This book reminds you of all your great qualities and abilities that you can utilize to live an incredible life. In addition, it helps you work through and push past your limiting beliefs and provides solutions to your problems. Click here for this book.




personal development booksUntamed by Glennon Doyle- Where do I even start? This is probably my favorite book of all time. This book gives you permission to be yourself unapologetically. This book validated all the feelings I have ever felt of feeling inadequate, not good enough, like I needed to please everyone else, and taught me to throw them out the window. In other words, Untamed taught me to live authentically without fear and to be proud of who I am. This book is LIFE CHANGING. Click here for Untamed.




personal development books


Atomic Habits by James Clear-  This book teaches you all about building lasting habits that will change your life. He teaches  you how to develop good habits that will last. In addition, he teaches that little changes that become habits can have a long lasting effect and create huge changes. Click here for Atomic Habits.





Super Attractor by Gabby Bernstein – This is more of a spiritual book but I have read it twice in the last 4 months and I love it SO MUCH. I have implemented so many of her strategies and have had so many incredible experiences. She teaches you how to easily attract what you want in your life. This book also teaches you how to connect with a higher power to call in inspiration and guidance to help you live your best life. I absolutely love her book The Universe Has your Back which might be a good one to read first. I am currently reading her Judgement Detox as well and it is amazing too! This is such an amazing resource for anyone wanting to bring more spiritual power and connection to your life.




The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks – This book was extremely thought provoking for me. It taught how we hold ourselves thru limiting beliefs and how to push past those. The Big Leap helps you choose your direction and helps develop a plan to make it happen. An interesting thought that stuck with me after this book is realizing the way I sabotage myself in reaching my goals and dreams. Above all, it has helped me immensely in getting out of my own way.




Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think? What are your favorite personal development books you’ve ready lately? I am always looking for more to add to my list. I love setting new goals. Making plans to reach them after reading a self development book is my favorite. If you’re the same way, you might want to check out my post on setting goals here.


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