breakfast burritos

Breakfast Burritos

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Does anyone else love breakfast for dinner? We do it at least once a week over here. My kids absolutely love breakfast burritos. My husband and I love them as well because they are filling, delicious, and are incredibly fast and easy to make. We have been choosing the quick easy dinners since we have been staying home so much. I can’t believe we are heading into week 10 of staying home. Did anyone think this would last this long? Luckily for me, our state just moved into the yellow phase yesterday. Most businesses are opening back up and they are allowing gatherings of 50 people or more. I am so grateful for this! This sure has been a wild ride. We sure are ready to get some of our normal life back.

We have definitely been loving soaking up the extra time together. Having my husband working from home has been absolute heaven. Earlier this week my 6 year old said, “mom, dad never has to go back to real work right?” It was so sweet. We will all be very sad when he goes back. Luckily he has at least 5-6 more weeks at home. So we will be taking advantage of that.

We are on our last week of school so we are ready for the pools, splash pads, and parks to open back up. My kids are ready for play dates with friends and cousins. We are definitely ready to be done with the distance learning. My kindergartener has done so well with it. But we are all ready to be done. Summer is definitely a favorite season for us. With summer comes more outings and usually less time to make meals. That’s where meals like these breakfast burritos come in clutch. My 6 year old has been loving helping us with dinner and this is one that he can make almost entirely by himself.

Breakfast Burritos

-your favorite tortillas ( we love the Tortilla land from Costco)

-eggs (you can do egg whites if you need low fat)

-bacon (we like turkey bacon for more protein and lower fat but also love Costco’s precooked)


-cheddar cheese

-any other toppings you might like. My must haves are avocado, tomato, everything but the bagel seasoning salsa, and peppers. My husband prefers ketchup.

Cook the eggs to your liking. We prefer scrambled. Cook the hashbrowns and bacon. Layer those 3 in a tortilla and top with cheese and whatever else you want.


If you’re looking for some other yummy breakfast ideas, click here and here.



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