calm and peace

Seven Easy Ways to Manage Your Stress

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Wow you guys, what a year the month of March has been, huh?! Really though. Remember when we thought January was long? These last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least. The pandemic of COVID-19 is requiring us to stay home to slow the spread. It has been throwing most of us for a loop. School is cancelled and we are homeschooling our kids. What an interesting and different time. I have seen so many messages and posts about people feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, upset, etc and I started to analyze my own feelings during the last few weeks. I have not felt overly stressed or anxious. My family and I have been able to feel calm and peace during the last few weeks. This seems to really help set the tone for our home and it is making a big difference.

I wanted to share some of the things that are helping me find calm and peace through this crazy time!


This may sound a little over exaggerative but meditation is honestly changing my life. I started about 5 months ago and I have never loved a daily ritual more than I love meditation. It is amazing what being still and breathing can do for your health. My mental health has come to depend on meditation. I love meditating first thing in the morning to help set an intention for my day. Meditation brings so much calm and peace to my day.

If you are new to meditation, I have written an entire post on learning how to meditate. Click here to find that post. I suggest start by finding a guided meditation to follow. You can look on youtube and search for a meditation to help with what you are needing that day. I also enjoy theĀ  Meditation Mini’s Podcast. As you get more comfortable, you can decide what style is best for you.


You guys know my love for weight lifting runs deep. But ever since my back injury, I have been incoporating more yoga into my weekly routine. Since the beginning of the year, I have been doing yoga 3-4 times a week and I love it so much. Releasing my built up emotions and stress through movement and breath has been so beneficial for my body. Getting the physical and emotional/mental benefits at the same time are so amazing. My favorite at home yoga workouts to do are from Yoga with Adriene on Youtube.


This has been a fun addition to my morning routine over the last few months. After I meditate in the morning, I journal for 5-10 minutes. This is such a great outlet to release feelings and document any guidance I receive during meditation. It is so fun to go back and read my journal entries. There is something so therapeutic about writing with a pen on paper. I have absolutely loved it!


At the end of my meditation, I make sure to give thanks for my life and all my beautiful blessings. Although saying my gratitude out loud has been amazing, I have also been enjoying journaling it too. I am loving this gratitude journal that prompts me to write down three things each day. I love this and I can honestly say it has changed my outlook and I see things with so much more gratitude.

Getting Outside in Nature

Who is ready for the weather to warm up? We have had a few warm days over the last few weeks and have been taking full advantage. There is something SO calming about being in nature. If you live in a busy or loud area, I suggest trying to escape to a quieter area. I have been loving going in my backyard and staring at the mountains. I am lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

Connecting with my Family

I have actually really enjoyed all the extra time with my husband and kids. Because we have nowhere to go, we have spent so much more time connecting and spending quality time together. Our favorite things have been going on walks, cooking and baking, watching movies, puzzles, and playing games. We have bought so many games over the years and we have been playing at least 2-3 a day together. Our favorites right now are Qwirkle, Eye Found It, and Pictopia.


My initial thought when I found out my husband would be working from home was that we are going to get so many home projects done. Well, he ended up getting shoulder surgery 3 days into our quarantine. I realized a day or two later that I was running myself into the ground trying to stay on top of all the housework and trying to get extra projects done too. It is okay to relax and have downtime! Not every single second needs to be productive. I have been more productive with this mindset of taking intentional downtime.

A couple of other things that have been keeping me sane are having alone time, doing things that bring me joy, and doing my best to fuel my body with healthy foods. I have definitely had my moments where I dive headfirst into the Oreos, but I always feel terrible after I do that. The days that I am feeling extra great are when I am drinking my smoothies and keeping my vegetable intake up. I also suggest making movement a priority. Whether it is a walk outside or a short workout video, make moving a part of your day. I have some fun at home workouts you can try if you are looking for some.

What has been helping you find calm and peace during this wild time?

Remember, YOU have the power to control your attitude. Mindset will make such a HUGE difference for you during these tough times.


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