simple tacos

Simple and Delicious Tacos

* This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you decide to purchase. I only share things I absolutely love.


Does anyone else have a slight obsession with tacos? Okay fine, it’s more of a huge obsession at our house. They are just so easy and delicious. We usually have tacos at least once a week. They just can’t be beat. It was one of my son’s first words. That is how much we eat them and love them. These simple tacos make dinner easy and everyone is satisfied. What about you and your family? Are you taco lovers too?

These can be done with any protein of choice. Our favorites are ground turkey and pork. It can also be done with your toppings of choice. Who loves recipes that are easy to customize and are so versatile? When we do pork tacos, a favorite topping of mine is pineapple or mango. The citrus with the salsa and pork is to die for.

This recipe is so simple but I love documenting all my meals so they are all in one spot. I love having them all on the blog so I don’t forget about them. It makes my meal planning easier to be able to scroll through my recipes and choose from there.


Here is what you’ll need:

-Tortillas or taco shells (we love the uncooked from Costco)

-protein of choice (we love ground turkey or pork)

– salsa

-Toppings- our favorites are cheddar cheese, black beans, avocado, tomato, lettuce, and Greek yogurt. We also love mango or pineapple on pork tacos.


Cook your protein however you like it and add in the salsa for flavor. Put in tortillas or taco shells and top with whatever you want. Enjoy!


What is your favorite taco topping? Am I missing out on something?


If you want some other easy and quick dinner ideas, head to my blog under the recipes tab.

Some of my favorites are here and here.


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