veggie stir fry

Veggie Stir Fry

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Does anyone else struggle with ideas for lunch? This veggie stir fry is my go to lunch when I am short on time. I usually always have a protein source prepped and ready to use in the fridge which makes it even easier. This veggie stir fry is easy to customize to your liking. It is easy to throw in whatever extra veggies need to be used in the fridge. I also rotate through protein sources. I have used pork, chicken, ground turkey, and fish. Besides being easy to throw together, I also love how low calorie and high protein this meal is. If you want to make it even lower carb, you can leave out the sweet potatoes. But leave them in if you can. They are definitely my favorite part.

Here is my easy go to lunch, veggie stir fry:

-4 oz cooked chicken or protein of choice

-85 g riced cauliflower (I use frozen)

-89 g peas (I use frozen)

-100 g cooked sweet potatoes

Heat all together in a pan over medium heat. Season to your liking. My favorites are garlic salt and pepper, orĀ  Everything But the Bagel Seasoning. I have also mixed in Bolthouse Farms dressing to flavor this. My favorite is the cilantro avocado flavor. My husband prefers teriyaki sauce on his.

This isn’t really even a recipe but I want to have all my food ideas in one spot for easy reference. If I don’t write them down somewhere, I tend to forget about them all together.

Nutrition Info:

286 calories

36 g carbs

2 g fat

31 g protein


If you try this recipe, let me know how you like it.

If you want to see how I meal prep my chicken, click here.

Make sure to check out all my other recipes here.

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