
The Best Way to Lose Weight & Actually Keep it Off

Weight Loss Can be Frustrating

I’m sure at one point or another, we’ve all experienced the frustration of trying to lose weight. Weight loss can be an incredibly challenging experience, especially if you have no idea where to start. If you are someone who feels they have tried EVERYTHING to get fit and lose weight, you are in the right place. I am going to lay out the exact steps you need to take in order to lose the weight and keep it off once and for all.


I spent years trying every diet under the sun and running miles per day in order to get my dream body. I struggled for years with little to no results. My body didn’t change and I felt like I was going in circles with no real progress.


Fast forward to after I had my first baby. I was determined to lose the baby weight as quick as possible. I would run for miles every day. I wouldn’t let myself stop until I burned a certain amount of calories on my watch. I ate very low calorie and was scared to eat any type of white flour, or anything with sugar. I was extremely irritated, exhausted, had no energy, major brain fog, and was absolutely miserable.



I finally hit rock bottom and decided something had to change. This is when I figured out the actual formula that WORKS and that is a process that I could actually maintain. I will lay it out step by step below but I want to go over a couple of very important things first.


Why You’ve Failed in the Past


This is the section where I’m going to lay out some hard truths that you might not want to hear. But I want you to think about your past failed diets and attempts to lose weight and see if you can relate to any of these scenarios.


The biggest reasons for failure I see in clients as a fitness and nutrition coach:


  1. You’re always looking for a quick fix.

A lot of times, people are under the assumption that you can lose a ton of weight in a short amount of time. While some methods (most of which I would NOT recommend) might get you this result, you’re setting yourself up for failure. If you don’t take the time and learn the healthy habits that will actually help you get and stay fit, you’ll likely go back to your unhealthy habits after your diet and gain any weight back that you lost. Sustainable weight loss is typically 0.5 – 2 lbs per week. Yes, it feels slow but if you do it the right way, this is realistic.


  1. Your approach was too extreme and not sustainable.

When you eat too low calorie, cut out major food groups, call certain foods “bad,” skip meals, do intense workouts that make you miserable, and do any over the top diet that you wouldn’t be able to stick to long term, you’re likely going to quit. Again, you’ll see more success if you build up the healthy habits over time that will get you the results you want. These approaches are not sustainable and are extremely hard to stick with over time.


  1. You haven’t prioritized the nutrition aspect of fitness

One of the most common questions I get as a fitness coach: “I workout all the time but my body isn’t changing. What am I doing wrong?” My answer is always the same. Your nutrition has to be in check too. Nutrition is the primary driver of fat loss and weight loss. You can workout all day long but if your nutrition isn’t on point, you’ll see little to no results. If your goal is weight loss, you need to be in a calorie deficit. I teach all about that HERE.


  1. You haven’t worked through emotional pain and triggers

Doing the internal work is a huge part of success in all areas of your life, even fitness. A lot of people have emotional ties to eating and use it as comfort for when they are upset. If the underlying emotions and triggers are not addressed and worked through, it is very hard to progress. We work on this every single week plus a deep dive for 7 days in all of week 4 in my signature coaching program because it’s THAT important. If you’re looking to get started, start HERE.


  1. You don’t plan ahead

Success in weight loss requires a lot of planning. It is absolute crucial to plan your meals and workouts. You have to set yourself up for success in order to get the results that you want.


Do any of these resonate with you? Let me know in the comments below.


My Process: Step by Step of What Actually Works to Get and Stay Fit for Good


When I hit rock bottom as I mentioned above, I decided to start focusing on small healthy habits I could stick to that made me feel good. I added the habits slowly and built up over time so that I wouldn’t quit. I started small and kept daily promises to myself. Overtime, these small efforts added up big and I ended up getting the physical results I was looking for.


Here are the 7 daily habits I mastered that have transformed my body 4 times after each of my babies and have worked for countless clients, family members, and friends.


  1. Eat enough protein – most people don’t get enough. It is absolutely critical if you want to get lean and toned. You need to plan ahead for your meals, ensuring you’re getting enough protein or it won’t happen.
  2. Eat balanced meals (and in a calorie deficit for weight loss) – Include healthy fats and carbs along with your protein in your meals. Prioritize your fruits and veggies.
  3. Exercise regularly – this along with good nutrition is the key to aging well. The benefits are endless.
  4. Get enough steps in – your workout only accounts for 4% of your waking hours. How much you move the rest of the day matters.
  5. Get enough sleep – adequate rest and recovery is a must for any fitness goal.
  6. Drink enough water per day – hydration is important for so many reasons.
  7. Stress Management – hormones and so many other body systems become unregulated because of stress. When your body systems aren’t working properly, weight loss becomes harder.

These 7 things affect your weight loss results the most. They NEED to be in check for weight loss to be easier for you.

I know you’ve probably heard most of this before. The way that you approach these steps is critical to your success. If you try to do too much at once, you’ll burn out and quit. But it’s hard to know where to start and what to focus on first.

This is why I’ve laid it all out for you in an easy to follow blueprint that tells you exactly what to do for each step to make it as easy as possible for you.

I break down each goal more specifically and tell you how much protein to eat, how to create balanced meals to keep you satisfied and inline with your goals, how often to exercise, how many steps to get, how much sleep and water to drink, and stress management strategies.

As a busy mom, you deserve to feel your best. These habits when done consistently can improve your energy levels, boost your mood, help you build strength and endurance, and become the best version of yourself. This is the first step to feeling confident when you look in the mirror, being able to keep up with your kids, and living the life you’ve been dreaming of.

Check out The Fit Mommy Formula HERE and get the simple to follow checklist that will change everything for you. It’s FREE.

You CAN do it. If you stay consistent, you WILL get results. The only way this won’t work is if you quit. Do it the right way this time and learn how to get results that will actually last. You deserve it mama.


Make sure to find me on Instagram @wildmoonfitness where I share daily home workouts and nutrition tips for busy moms.

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